While life here is slowly returning to normal, the situation in Nepal looks completely different.
People have not been able to work for months and have been stuck in lockdown. Many migrant workers cannot return to their families; the women at home have no money for food.
Therefore, together with Narayan, we would like to put together food packages for families in order to help at least a few.
A package costs around $38 - includes 30kg of rice, lentils, oil and salt - and would keep the family afloat for 1.5 - 2 months.
We would be very happy to receive a lot of support!
Transaction to:
IBAN: CH24 0900 0000 6123 5741 6
wir bewegen, Mönchaltorf
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078 708 1331, Maya Baas
I will of course pass on 100% of the amount!
We already carried out such a distribution campaign immediately after the earthquake. Back then for the Gurungs, who didn't have enough food because of the earthquake. Unfortunately we won't be able to be there on site this time, but we fully trust Narayan to take on this task with confidence.