completed projects | Dhading region
Goats for caste, Salyankot
During my visit in September 2022, Narayan told me about a village (caste, Salyankot) in the Dhading region that was also very needy and could really use animals.
In spring 2023, Narayan visited the village to get an impression of the place. According to his report, these are very poor people who live somewhat scattered in the area. So we promised that Kaste would be our next village for the goat project.
65 families live in caste - we have divided the village into two groups in consultation with the residents. On the one hand, 65 goats have to be financed first and on the other hand, such a large herd as a whole is not that easy to manage.
The total cost is expected to be approximately USD 13,350.
In the first round, the Sunpokhari Agriculture Group with 31 families (5,890 USD) will be provided with animals and in the second round, the Shivalaya Agriculture Group with 34 families (6,460 USD). Plus, of course, the billy goat.
Project information
Estimated cost: $13,350
+/- 175 USD per animal
+/- 15 USD transport per animal
Transport is almost impossible to estimate in advance as it is made up of so many factors
$1,000 breeding buck.
As of December 2024 - goats presented
We were able to successfully hand over the goats to the village of Kaste in November 2024. There will soon be a travel report in the news
As of February 2024 - we are approaching the goal
The financing of the project is in place.
Now Narayan will arrange everything so that the residents of Kaste receive their animals this year. We are flying to Nepal in the fall to visit the village and see if all the animals have arrived safely.
Now Narayan will arrange everything so that the residents of Kaste receive their animals this year. We are flying to Nepal in the fall to visit the village and see if all the animals have arrived safely.
As of March 2023 - Visit to the village
We now have the exact information. The location of the village can be seen on the map below as well as a few impressions from the village. Now it's time to collect donations again - please help us!!
As of September 2022 - The idea
Narayan will soon find out how needy people are; how many families live there exactly; and also where exactly the village is located.
Goats for caste, Salyankot
View from Bhumesthan