We have been involved in various areas since 2015; Many ideas come depending on your life situation and circumstances.

Money for victim families
June 2015 | completed
Since our main focus is on Bhumesthan, but on the one hand we want to share it and on the other hand we want to avoid envy, we gave some money to all the families who had to mourn the deaths.
Even though people were very grateful, it was a very sad situation. There were 28 deaths in Phulkharka and Bhumesthan.
Even though people were very grateful, it was a very sad situation. There were 28 deaths in Phulkharka and Bhumesthan.
April 2015
We were shocked to hear about the big earthquake in Nepal. Luckily we were able to reach all of our friends quickly, but the stories they told us were very sad. So we set up a few pages on our private website to inform our friends about what we are collecting money for. We would never have thought that over 10,000 CHF would be raised within a week.
Goats for caste, Salyankot
Clothes for Grang
Goats for Grang
Meal packages | Covid pandemic
32 cows for Bhumesthan | Crowdfunding
Bhumestan reconstruction
View from Bhumesthan