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Goats for caste - progress

September 30, 2024

Dear donors,

For a long time it was quiet around us again. The money has now arrived in Nepal. A call from the bank startled us - but the employee was convinced not to report the many transfers to the government. Amounts over $3000 are reported automatically - that's why we always transfer in small tranches from different accounts. 

The search for breeders is progressing well, and some animals have already been “ordered”. We really hope that all the animals will be together in November when we go to Kaste.

The end of the rainy season is a long time coming - the highest amounts of rain since records began have been recorded in the last few days. Kathmandu is under water - many main roads are impassable. The small access roads to the villages have literally been washed away. Many people have already died. 

We are now hoping for the best that all the animals will be together by November - but we also know from past projects that things always work out somehow in Nepal - via many detours if necessary...

We will provide further information and after the trip at the latest send a report to everyone.

Kind regards,
Maya & Narayan

A report in the Kathmandu Post about the heavy rains. The route to Caste (Dhading Region) is not passable at the moment.

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